Bonne Chance For 2022

Bonne Chance For 2022

by DIDIER DUBOT . on Jan 14, 2022

With a new year come new hopes and dreams. We love this time of year for the wonderful sense of optimism that fills the air. However, given the circumstances of the past few years, we have no idea what 2022 will bring. We understand anyone that wants to keep their resolutions small this year, but we still believe in taking time for reflection and setting goals. Our motto for the New Year is bonne chance, which means ‘good luck’ in French. No matter how big or small your resolutions may be for this year, we wish you the best of luck in fulfilling them! For those that are in need of some New Year’s inspiration, we’re sharing our tips for resolutions below.


The Importance of New Year’s Resolutions

Psychologists and business leaders are adamant about goal setting. It’s been proven time and time again that goals give us a sense of direction and purpose in life. They help us grow and become the best version of ourselves. And what better time is there to create new goals than the beginning of a new year? It’s a fresh start and a welcome reminder that anything is possible.

Many people are cynical about New Year’s Resolutions, but we believe that they’re a wonderful tradition. They give you the opportunity to set the year off on a positive note and give you a set timeline to work with. So, how do you create a new year’s resolution that’s inspiring yet realistic?


Setting Realistic Goals

Setting goals can often feel like an intimidating task because we start off too big or we make them too vague. The key to setting realistic goals is to keep them small and manageable. For example, your goal might be learning to speak French fluently. This is an excellent goal, but it doesn’t provide you with a reasonable action plan.

Instead of making one big goal, set yourself smaller goals that will lead you to your desired end result. So if you’d like to learn French, your first goal might be to spend 5 minutes a day on a language learning app over the course of a month. Your next step may be taking formal lessons. Eventually, you can work your way up to fluency after you’ve established the habit of learning a language. Create these mini-goals on your own terms, so that you can hold yourself accountable! You’ll be very proud of yourself once you’ve achieved all of the steps to your main goal.


Setting Fun Goals

Another reason we may avoid goals is that they seem too serious. You might be too used to hearing about them in a professional setting, which puts you off creating personal goals. The beauty of New Year’s resolutions is that you can take them in any direction you like! Your resolutions can totally be about self-love, self-care, or travel. As long as the goal will result in a happier and healthier you, it’s a worthwhile one to pursue.



One of our favorite topics, there’s never a better time to rediscover your relationship with yourself than at the beginning of the year. We very much believe that self-love influences all other areas of our lives. If you love and respect yourself, you’ll be able to love and respect others better. You’ll also learn how to put your best foot forward in everything you do, from personal wellness to your career.

So, what exactly does a self-love resolution look like? Before you book yourself a spa day or treat yourself to some lovely new jewelry, make some self-love observations for the New Year. Reflect or even write down all the things you love about yourself, and then make resolutions about improvements you would like to make. Review them as often as you like. Nobody is perfect, but we can love ourselves as we learn and grow.


Be Your Best Self!

Whatever life throws at you in 2022, know that you can do it! You’ve already made it this far, proving that you are strong and capable. Let this year be your year: a year of empowerment, exploration, growth, and self-love. Whenever you’re feeling down, don’t forget to use affirmations and talismans to lift yourself back up.

Let DIDIER DUBOT guide you on your journey this year. Our demi-fine jewelry will continually remind you to stay optimistic and appreciate yourself.


Explore our collections today!



Writer: Maria Polansky

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